“Only you can hold yourself back. Only you can stand in your own way. Only you can help yourself.” – Mikhail Strabo.

Feeling safe in our safe area is a common issue as a human being. Because we won’t find new problem so we don’t have to solve it. We already tired to solve our previous problem so it makes us too lazy and become too comfortable in our safe area. But, being too stuck in our safe area is the main problem. We won’t be able to survive when we have to face a new problem in all of sudden. We can’t even think what we usually do because it’ll be useless. That’s why we have to think out of the box and break our own limits.

The only thing holding you back from anything is “You”

People in this world will always blame everything when their goals doesn’t work like their expectation, but let’s face it you are the problem. Don’t wait for someone or something to hand it to you, because you know what… That’s never going to happen. If you want to know what it takes to be successful or live a life filled with happiness all you have to do is look in the mirror and there is a person who can and will make that happen for you, Its You.

So quit telling yourself that you can’t do this or that, and instead of saying “I can’t do it” tell yourself “Who’s Going To Stop Me”? Nobody is going to make your dreams become a reality, because it’s your dream.

So if you want it, quit making excuse and “Go Get It”.

When you get knocked down, get up!

Life is going to knock you down. Life isn’t going to be easy for you because lots of problem will come to you. But don’t ever complain about it, try to solve your own problems and believe that you can solve it, always tell to yourself “Sure I can Do!” it can motivate you and make you stronger to against your problems.

Remember, You have the right to make your own choice everyday for yourself. No one else can choose everything for you.

No doubt, take action

Most of us get stuck in life because we get wrapped up in this or that. Once we get wrapped up in something we tend to forget to make any movement and progress. Don’t get stuck in life just because you are scared to take an action. If you feel you should take action or think you should take action then do it. Just be confident with what you do and believe that you can do it and finish it well.

Planning and taking action will destroy your fears

We all have fears. It can make us feeling challenged to omit it or it can make us feeling uncomfortable to make any movements. If you feel scared to fade your fears then all you have to do is Believe in yourself, make a plan, then take action.

